They are supposed to bring good luck!
01 March, 2009
Dragon of the month: chinese lung
The Chinese long dragon( picture above) is the longest living dragon, and has been around far longer than other dragons, it is worshipped in china with a festival, they are believed to be the wisest dragon and the one most willing to take a correct answer to a riddle instead of a meal.
19 February, 2009
Are dragons almost extinct?
Yes, in a matter of fact they are. You know think of the dinosaurs, they died out because of the too cold climate! Dragons might die out because of the human population growing faster and faster! We should care for these creatures, even though not many have actually seen them! When I mean care for them I mean like let them have there habitat, and try to NOT hurt them if you are a successful dragonoligist! Let me put it this way, lots of people don't believe in dragons. Some have actually seen one, but my point is that someday most animals that have died out will be like imaginary creatures that only existed in human minds. But thats how dragons are now, and we want it to stop that and let people actually believe them! Protect the dragons!!
Suggestion Post
Here comment and suggest stuff about our blog! Every time this gets overeun by posts, we'll create a new one! Please tell us all you think! And listen to blogger, say nice things! You can of course suggest, but please don't criticize. =)
Sorry for the inconveinience, their is something wrong with our poll, we will try to fix this as soon as we can! Please bear with us!
Secrets can only be discovered by those who seek them
So you want to be a dragonologist, great! You want to seek dragons and gain knowledge, greater, but do you actually know what you are seeking for, you have a higher probability of finding what you seek but please for your own well being have some common sense! Don't run up to an European dragon that is very hungry and try to demand all knowledge, and most of all if you want to end up HELPING dragons keep in mind that knowledge is a powerful thing and too much of it at once could destroy you from inside out. If you aren't a dragonologist yet, you don't have to be official, if you aren't destined to be a dragonologist, help us spread the knowledge little by little absorb the knowledge you gain from this blog and other resources and spread it to the world!
18 February, 2009
Comments and Background!
We have had a few complains about the background! We understand it is a little too dark, and even we can't even read the comments! We have recently changed the background to a green! It is hard to find dragon backgrounds! If you know any good ones, please tell us! Oh, and also thank you everyone that posted comments! We love to hear from you, and if you have any questions, complains, or tips. Feel free to ask!! Thank you all!
17 February, 2009
Dragon Of The Week!
Every sunday we will put a new dragon picture up, and tell what type of dragon it is, shortly we will have a poll for your favorite type of dragon!
13 February, 2009
Why were dragons viewed as monsters during the middle ages?
Ummm... good question. First of all.. dragons did eat humans, i know this will sound weird but imagine you are a strawberry, and then a human comes a long and eats your best friend and you call that human a monster. Though I don't like it when dragons eat humans it is essential, we have a lot of nuitrients you know. (some dragons like the taste some don't it all depends)
31 January, 2009
Who are dragon hunters?
Dragon hunters are people that hunt dragons,in the medival times some of them bluffed and some of them told the truth, either way they don't understand how important dragons are. Of course dragons hate dragon hunters. Of course thats pretty easy to understand. They usually go on dark gloomy days, when dragons can't see them as well as they could. They sneak up close, and try to attack. Some don't go back to there homes.......and some get some other animals blood on there spear and pretend that they killed it. Either way, it mean.
A warning....
To all people who want to be a dragonologist just for money or thrill, you will NOT take the dragon oath (it won't work for you anyway) only people who want to HELP dragons can become a dragonologist. And share the love and learning for them. Not the lust for gold, and being "famous".
30 January, 2009
Finding and Tracking
- So, you wanna find a dragon, eh? First thing you need to think about is "where do I go?" Yeah, thats pretty important. It depends where the dragons breed lives. If you need to find a frost dragon look in Antarctica, if you need to find a marsupial dragon look in Australia. Note that dragons do scatter places, and any type of dragon may be near you!!!! So, now you know where, what do you need to bring? Bring a backpack. But all the basics in it. First aid, water, notebook and maybe if you wanna take some pictures bring a camera! Dragons don't like the bright flash, it frightens them and the might get angry......turn your flash off! Make sure you bring a tasty snack such as lets say....chicken maybe. Or something that the dragon will eat. Bring enough, so the dragon won't eat you!!! Here are some things you may find *if you are near enough* that suspects dragons!
- Footprints, and tail swishing marks
- Burned and scorched trees and under growth

Ever wondered about the body parts of a dragon? Do they have the the same type of bones as any other animal? What's the difference? Most dragons are reptilian, they share many features like egg laying, but they also care for there young. Here we have a picture of the bones *it is picture #3. It might be small in this post so you can click it and make it bigger. Picture #2 is the muscle. And picture #1 is your basic dragon. Now, there is few differences from a dragon and a regular animal. Dragons look alike with birds and reptiles. But bigger. You might see the bone similarities. Say, as you all know wings, and scales.
New post and answer.
Post your questions and comments anywhere on the blog and we will answer as soon as we can.
29 January, 2009
The Hatched Egg...
Ok, so baby dragons aren't as cute and cuddly as a puppy. They are ALOT of work, and can easily burn your house down, or even you! Here are some points to remember: Keep iron and flint objects away from the chicks, or live in a fire proof house. Also do not release young dragons into the sewerage systems of a large city! The chick can easily drown, or hurt it self. And mind your language around chicks they might repeat what you say over and over in front of visitors! Oh, its not recommended to leave children and hungry chicks alone. Please hide all shiny or valuable objects! Such as, tinfoil, your new shiny ring, gems, and mirrors. There are also some signs of growing maturity of a baby chick. If you catch your chick doing these you might notice it will seek to leave the nest (your home). Hoarding: The chick collects precious objects from around the house, reluctant to return them. Fire play: The chicks seeks out iron and flint objects and plays by making a huge shower of sparks. Language: Chicks repeat any word and phrases they hear repeatedly, in a parrot like fashion. Ok, don't be worried some chicks are late bloomers and can stay at your house for 5-7 years. Usually they stay for about 3 years.
If you find a dragon egg....
if you are eduated, take the egg and get out, if you are not educated, leave the egg and get out quick! The educated people, determine the type of dragon, and put it above a fire, after it hatches it is prone to diseases, so make sure you have the proper medical care, these are rare, and be sure to contact a dragonologist about it. Observe and take notes about the dragons behavior. You have to let the dragon free, once it is big enough, it shall surely want to, you can visit it occasionly. If you still have a firm determination to keep the dragon, think of this, it shall burn down your house, findings and money in 1/6 of its occasional tantrums, and will never be free, ever.
Dragons, are so mighty and smart, they surely can't be affected by Global Warming!
You are wrong there, dragons are greatly affected by global warming, their prey is dying, so so will they, the only dragons that you should be concerned of dying from the heat and melting of ice is Frost Dragons.
It seems that some dragons are dumb, why can't they talk?
I think you have entcountered a Frost Dragon, they preffer not to talk but indeed can, the only dragons that are some what dumb are the ones that are hypnotized (look at bottom of page), please do not say your question to a dragon if you would wish to stay alive.
Some advice while encountering hungy dragons:
- DO NOT RUN they can easily catch up to you.
- DO NOT TRY AND FIGHT you'll be dead before you can blink
- DO pull out some meat, but don't let the scent surround you, throw it as hard a you can away from you, the meat should be big and be appropriate for the dragon you are trying to escape from.
- DO NOT THINK THAT EVERY DRAGON WILL ASK YOU A RIDDLE SO YOU CAN LIVE not all dragons like riddles, especialy hungry ones.
28 January, 2009
You have probably wondered in the past, what do dragons eat? Of course if you are searching for a dragon you need to bring along a tasty dragon snack so they won't eat YOU for dinner(most likely just a snack). What is it? Let me tell you this, you can't go up to the cash register in a store and ask "Where is the dragon food"? Or they will think you are absolutely crazy. So, here are your answers:
Knucker: Rabbits, deer, farm animals, and stray children(uhh.. i wouldn't use stray children)
European: Cattle, sheep, and humans(again don't use humans)
Frost: Giant Squid, polar bear, orca, walrus, and leopard seal
Tibetan: Large mountain apes known as yeti and yacks
Lindworms: Bactrain (camels with 2 humps)
Asian Lung: Mainly birds and fish
Wyvern: Elephants, hippos, rhinos and other large herbivores
Marsupial: any large marsupials
Mexican Amphithere: llamas, and buffalo
Ok, not all these things you can bring along with you anywhere but this gives you a close idea!
As you may know, there are many breeds of dragons, they all have there own personalities sort of. They each eat different things, and live in different places, like most animals do today. Here are the types of dragons that live in forests: Knucker, and Marsupial dragon. Some dragons live in the mountains, like the European dragon, Asian Lung, and Tibetan dragon. In the prairie and steppe: American amphithere, and the Lindworm. The dragon that lives in Arctic Regions is a Frost Dragon. In the desert or savannah you can find a Wyvern, and in the jungle you will fing a Mexican amphihere. Note: These names have NOT been made up, they have been studied and researched.
A Dragon's Opinion about Dinosaurs.
They are the most revolting prepostorous creatures, to ever wander this earth, except for humans.
- Medra Chinese Long Dragon.
Why, they are our brothers! Oooh i'm hungry... - European, name unknown, we had to get out of there.
We are mere rivals, but after they went extinct, the power of the world is in our balance.- Frost Dragon, Name unwilling to tell.
- The world of dragons.
Some Commonly asked questions from young Dragons.
- Why do humans where false pelts (clothes)?
- Why do humans die so quickly?
- Why do humans, "brush their teeth"? (this dragon knew a lot about us)
- Why do humans go in giant cages (houses) at their own will?
- Why do humans grow long feather like stuff (hair)!!!?!!
We will get some more of these shortly,
The world of dragons
26 January, 2009
Welcome you have just entered the world of dragons! Here you will find EVERY thing you need to know about them. Breeds, where they live and more! You can vote in polls, and post comments on anything you want to! Share your ideas and have fun! If you have any questions or comments please post a comment and we will be sure to answer as soon as we can! Spread the word about this blog, so more people can share and learn about these wonderful creatures! We will also have posts from dragons themselves!! We hope to hear from you! Enjoy the ride!
The World of Dragons.
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