Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon

Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon
Frost dragons are very patient creatures and though they can talk, they preffer not to

28 January, 2009


You have probably wondered in the past, what do dragons eat? Of course if you are searching for a dragon you need to bring along a tasty dragon snack so they won't eat YOU for dinner(most likely just a snack). What is it? Let me tell you this, you can't go up to the cash register in a store and ask "Where is the dragon food"? Or they will think you are absolutely crazy. So, here are your answers:
Knucker: Rabbits, deer, farm animals, and stray children(uhh.. i wouldn't use stray children)
European: Cattle, sheep, and humans(again don't use humans)
Frost: Giant Squid, polar bear, orca, walrus, and leopard seal
Tibetan: Large mountain apes known as yeti and yacks
Lindworms: Bactrain (camels with 2 humps)
Asian Lung: Mainly birds and fish
Wyvern: Elephants, hippos, rhinos and other large herbivores
Marsupial: any large marsupials
Mexican Amphithere: llamas, and buffalo 

Ok, not all these things you can bring along with you anywhere but this gives you a close idea!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, just bring two fish, a chiken some squid meat and rabbit! Maybe some buffalo.
