Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon

Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon
Frost dragons are very patient creatures and though they can talk, they preffer not to

01 March, 2009

Dragon of the month: chinese lung

The Chinese long dragon( picture above) is the longest living dragon, and has been around far longer than other dragons, it is worshipped in china with a festival, they are believed to be the wisest dragon and the one most willing to take a correct answer to a riddle instead of a meal.
They are supposed to bring good luck!


  1. It's a shame you didn't keep up with this blog.
    You see I opened my Easter egg today and inside was a baby dragon!!!!

    I know!!! Who'd have thought it would have found it's way to me.

    I was so hoping you would be able to help me.

    Oh well I better go before she eats my children or burns my house down.

  2. This is from a fellow dragonologist and I believe you got your facts wrong. I have my own blog and still trying to get it back to publicity. Your oath is no part of the S.A.S.D and American Dragonological Society at least you got some facts correct. But the Chinese Lung lifespan has not been recorded and is not certain. Please correct yourself. And Finally
    I told you once; I told you twice;
    I tell you once again.
    you said you could, You said you would
    not to do the thing again.
    I tell you NO! I Tell You GO! DON'T LET IT be IN VAIN.
    Aargh Umm,
    Wiz Dragonologist


  3. aargh umm
    I told you a warning poem to please fix your facts.

  4. Where are you people who post on this blog? Also, Can I Post. My blog is dragonologistcorner.
    And I will like you to see it. dragonologistcorner.blogspot.com is the URL. My facts directly come from the S.A.S.D Dragonology books.
