Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon

Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon
Frost dragons are very patient creatures and though they can talk, they preffer not to

19 February, 2009

Suggestion Post

Here comment and suggest stuff about our blog! Every time this gets overeun by posts, we'll create a new one! Please tell us all you think! And listen to blogger, say nice things! You can of course suggest, but please don't criticize. =)


  1. I am a wanna be dragonoligist! I say the oath every night before I go to bed! I have ordered a few of those books you recommended. I love dragons, and I study them! I have a few questions though: Where can you find a Knucker dragon? I love this blog and I come on it every day!

  2. Thank You, for actually helping us a great deal with our mission! And a knucker dragon i'll just give you some info: The Knucker dragon is found in damp, marshy areas and tends to live in deep ponds and wells. This type of dragon looks much like what a snake with legs would look like. They have 4 legs and very small wings even though they can not fly. They are very long creatures compared to their height, 30 feet long to 4 feet tall. They tend to be very dull in color ranging from brown, red, blue, or green. Knucker dragons love to eat farm animals or sometimes deer and rabbit. If they get to hungry sometimes small children are on their menu. They have a fearus bite full of venom that normally finishes the kill but the Knucker also will wrap itself around it's pray and squeeze to keep them from running.

  3. Thanks alot!!! Oh just so you know my name is Justin!!!

  4. I think a way to bring Dragons to life, is not to only believe, but to trust and hope that you will one day see one, and if you really believe and hope, it probably will happen. I am writing a book about dragons, and creatures I have brought to life, but there is only one question, How do I bring them to life out of my Mind and heart?
