Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon

Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon
Frost dragons are very patient creatures and though they can talk, they preffer not to

29 January, 2009

The Hatched Egg...

Ok, so baby dragons aren't as cute and cuddly as a puppy. They are ALOT of work, and can easily burn your house down, or even you! Here are some points to remember: Keep iron and flint objects away from the chicks, or live in a fire proof house. Also do not release young dragons into the sewerage  systems of a large city! The chick can easily drown, or hurt it self. And mind your language around chicks they might repeat what you say over and over in front of visitors! Oh, its not recommended to leave children and hungry chicks alone. Please hide all shiny or valuable objects! Such as, tinfoil, your new shiny ring, gems, and  mirrors. There are also some signs of growing maturity of a baby chick. If you catch your chick doing these you might notice it will seek to leave the nest (your home).  Hoarding: The chick collects precious objects from around the house, reluctant to return them. Fire play: The chicks seeks out iron and flint objects and plays by making a huge shower of sparks. Language: Chicks repeat any word and phrases they hear repeatedly, in a parrot like fashion. Ok, don't be worried some chicks are late bloomers and can stay at your house for 5-7 years. Usually they stay for about 3 years.


  1. Do frost dragons like to eat chickens because It might be hard to cach a giant squid

  2. They might, what kind of chicken do you mean?

  3. It facinates me to think dragons are still around. I'm curious, is this merely discussion for hypotheical situation or do you all truly have dragons you are seeking to train. It may sound mad for me to ask such a question, but it's a well found question to have.

  4. hey arent these words taken from from the book called dragonology?

  5. You know, you can find your own dragons that may have not been ever heard of, what do you do then?
