Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon

Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon
Frost dragons are very patient creatures and though they can talk, they preffer not to

30 January, 2009

Finding and Tracking

  • So, you wanna find a dragon, eh? First thing you need to think about is "where do I go?" Yeah, thats pretty important. It depends where the dragons breed lives. If you need to find a frost dragon look in Antarctica, if you need to find a marsupial dragon look in Australia. Note that dragons do scatter places, and any type of dragon may be near you!!!! So, now you know where, what do you need to bring? Bring a backpack. But all the basics in it. First aid, water, notebook and maybe if you wanna take some pictures bring a camera! Dragons don't like the bright flash, it frightens them and the might get angry......turn your flash off! Make sure you bring a tasty snack such as lets say....chicken maybe. Or something that the dragon will eat. Bring enough, so the dragon won't eat you!!! Here are some things you may find *if you are near enough* that suspects dragons! 
  • Footprints, and tail swishing marks
  • Burned and scorched trees and under growth
  There are some other reasons, but I won't discuss them. To become a TRUE dragonologist you must seek things yourself, and learn from your sight! 


  1. Where is a good place to find a European?

  2. Europe of course, they also scatter around America in the spring, they live in rocky placing, like mountains, some also live in forests.

  3. Arn't they the largest dragon?

  4. No, the Wyvern is actually the largest!

  5. were do u find a mexican amphithere

  6. Have you ever seen a dragon?
