Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon

Dragon of the Month- Frost Dragon
Frost dragons are very patient creatures and though they can talk, they preffer not to

19 February, 2009

Secrets can only be discovered by those who seek them

So you want to be a dragonologist, great! You want to seek dragons and gain knowledge, greater, but do you actually know what you are seeking for, you have a higher probability of finding what you seek but please for your own well being have some common sense! Don't run up to an European dragon that is very hungry and try to demand all knowledge, and most of all if you want to end up HELPING dragons keep in mind that knowledge is a powerful thing and too much of it at once could destroy you from inside out. If you aren't a dragonologist yet, you don't have to be official, if you aren't destined to be a dragonologist, help us spread the knowledge little by little absorb the knowledge you gain from this blog and other resources and spread it to the world!

1 comment:

  1. But how do you see Dragons? How do you find them and study them and help them? I'm really only a ten year old and I can't just go traveling around to find them, plus, it's winter and I can't tramp through three feet of snow to easily.
